Saturday, 16 June 2012

Why are Solved Question Papers & Guides Required?

preparing for exam,solved question papers for bank exams We receive numerous requests through this website & our facebook page for previous year solved papers of bank exams to be sent.But how far are these helpful? We personally asked a few candidates who have attended such exams on the need to prepare using solved papers.Here are their answers.

Q: Why do you prepare using previous year question papers?
A: Solved question papers help in knowing the pattern of questions that could be asked in the tests.It is most useful for those who are preparing for bank exams the first time as it is possible to practice different type of questions.

Q: Do you rely completely on the solved question papers & guides?
A: Majority of candidates firmly said ‘No’.They also went on to add,

'Workbooks & previous questions acts as a guide in understanding about the possible areas of questioning ,question pattern & the difficulty level of each paper.It is foolish to think of getting the same questions in the actual exams.Moreover, all banks know about about these solved guides available in the market.Hence the probability of them to repeat the same is very low.’
Q: What are the other benefits of preparing using solved question papers?
A: Since all bank job aspirants regularly use these materials, there were lot of responses of which few are,
  1. The main advantage of practicing with question papers is knowing how to allot time for each section.
  2. As around 120-150 questions must be answered within 2.5 hours, it enables us to come up with easy to remember shortcut methods.
  3. Solving the problems from 5-10 years previous question papers greatly improves our confidence to face the exam.
Say No to guides: We did also come across few candidates who were against these books.
”Referring previous year question papers limits a person`s mind to concentrate only on specific problems.It is necessary to understand the concept while preparing & once that is mastered – you can answer any type of question”, said some who were preparing on their own.
See here –> for a list of bank exam books that can be purchased online too!

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