Quantitative aptitude or Numerical ability form one section of bank exams out of Four (General awareness, General English, Reasoning ability and any one of Quantitative aptitude/Numerical ability). Quantitative aptitude normally comes in exams for higher level posts (For example, Officers Scale-II and higher, Probationary Officers etc), While Numerical ability is generally a part of Clerical level exams.
Questions on Numerical calculations including Averages, Percentages, multiplication, division, square roots, A.P, G.P. H.P. etc.
Questions on Simple and Compound Interest, Profit/loss etc.
Questions on Work to Time relations eg. If 3 people for some work in 5 days then how much time will 7 people take.
Another important and easy part of Quantitative aptitude paper is Data Interpretation (DI) questions. These questions are graphical analysis based.
Occasionally , there may also be some questions from Basic Co-ordinate geometry (Lines and circles), Mensuration etc.
By firm practice, you'll get good at switching between questions and save time which is the deciding factor in such exams.
We wish you All the Best!
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